Becoming Citizens
exhibition notes
This exhibition is comprised of artifacts, photographs, articles, and documents from the 13 families who were included in Becoming Citizens. The history of their remarkable achievements — advancing the civil rights of their children with disabilities — was told through interviews and photographs as well as their own informal "archives."
Becoming Citizens, the book, exhibition and programming was made possible through the support and generosity of:
- The Seattle Family Network
- Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs, City of Seattle
- University of Washington Press
- The Arc of King County
- King County Division of Developmental Disabilities
- Seattle Museum of History and Industry
- Potrero Nuevo Fund at the Tides Foundation, San Francisco
- Region 4, Division of Developmental Disabilities
- School of Social Work, University of Washington
- University of Washington Disability Studies
- The Family Guild
- June Riley Trust, San Francisco
- University of Washington Libraries, Suzzallo Library
- 4Culture
- City of Seattle/Dept of Neighborhoods
- and individual community contributions
For the development of this exhibition special thanks goes to:
- Harriet Sanderson
- Gabrielle Bendiner-Viani
- Diane Burk
- Leonard Garfield
- Mark Gleason
- Julie Kerssen
- Julianne Baron
- Sarah Bock
- Sherry McNary
- Curtis Erpelding
- Benson Shaw
- Kathi Whittaker
- Dawn Haggarty